Driving Without a License in California
Is it Illegal to Drive Without a License in California?
It is illegal to drive a vehicle without a valid driver's license, and if you are stopped by law enforcement and subsequently charged with this traffic offense, you will face very serious repercussions. You could be subject to fines, jail time, probation, and the impoundment of your vehicle, based upon your prior record. The severity of the penalties imposed in a conviction will vary, based upon the circumstances.
Our attorneys have experience defending clients who have been cited for driving without a license or other traffic offenses. Although this is a misdemeanor offense, a conviction for driving without a license could have a long term impact, as your criminal record will reflect the conviction, and you will have to deal with the penalties that are imposed upon you in court. There is the option of fighting the charge with the help of our Solano County traffic ticket attorneys.
What is the Penalty for Driving Without a License in California?
The circumstances leading to being cited for driving without a license may revolve around an individual who never applied or got a valid driver's license, failed to renew a license after it expired, or not being a legal citizen, and therefore lacking the documentation that will allow you to get a license in our state.
This minor crime can either be a misdemeanor or an infraction, and there is the possibility of taking action to reduce a misdemeanor to an infraction, when our firm gets involved early in the process. Your past driving history will be a factor. If you are charged with a misdemeanor, you could potentially get informal probation for up to 3 years, up to 6 months in jail, fines up to $1000, and your car could be impounded for 30 days, and you will be forced to pay a high price for towing and storage to get your vehicle returned to you.
Conversely, if you are charged with an infraction, you might only face a fine of $250. As a highly skilled criminal defense law firm, we provide the same attention and care to those clients being charged with misdemeanor traffic offenses as to clients charged with much more serious crimes, and this can make a significant difference in the final outcome of a ticket for driving without a license. You may have been the victim of a rights violation, and stopped illegally, or were profiled, another rights violation.
Our goal is to help you fight back and to avoid the consequences of a conviction. If you are facing charge Contact us today for quality representation.

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