What Are a Juvenile’s Rights in California?
Solano County Juvenile Defense Attorneys
A minor has specific rights if he or she is arrested or is detained by law enforcement for a juvenile crime. While in many ways these are similar to an adult’s rights, there are certain exceptions. For example, a minor does not have the right to a jury trial in juvenile court. A minor also does not have the right to bail. A juvenile defense attorney can represent your child and assert his or her rights through the entire juvenile criminal process in order to help ensure that he or she is given due process of the law and is treated fairly.
When a police officer takes a minor to a detention officer at a juvenile facility, he or she has the duty of informing the minor’s parent or guardian of what is occurring. A minor also has the right to make two phone calls after he or she has been arrested. One call may be made to the minor’s parent, guardian, relative or employer. The second call may be made to an attorney.
Juvenile Lawyers Serving Solano County, California
At Maas and Russo, we offer aggressive representation to minors in juvenile criminal cases throughout Solano County and Napa County in California.
We have offices located in Vallejo , and we handle a variety of different juvenile cases, including:
- Drug possession
- Gang-related offenses
- Date rape
- Assault and battery
- Underage drinking
- Property violations
At our firm, we offer a free case evaluation with our experienced Solano County juvenile defense lawyers who can review your child’s charges and determine what can be done to protect his or her rights and help you obtain a favorable case outcome.
Contact our firm today to find out more about your child’s legal rights and options in the face of his or her juvenile crime charges.

Our Client Success Stories
Recent Case Results
Dismissed Assault Weapon & Drug Possession Charges
Case Dimissed Assault With a Deadly Weapon Charge
Not Guilty Assault with Great Bodily Injury
Not Guilty Attempted Murder
Case Dismissed Attempted Murder Charges
Not guilty Charged with Intentional Discharge At An Occupied Motor Vehicle