Serious Juvenile Crimes in Solano County
Vallejo Juvenile Defense Attorneys
There are particular juvenile crimes deemed serious enough that a minor may be tried as an adult. A child as young as 14 years old may face trial as an adult and therefore face the same trial and penalties that an adult would in similar circumstances. These serious juvenile crimes include murder and other crimes that may be punished by life in prison or the death penalty, as well as offenses involving the use of a firearm.
Gang-related crimes and hate crimes may also be considered serious enough to warrant a minor being tried as an adult. In these cases, it will be at the discretion of the prosecuting attorney as to whether to proceed with a case in adult court. There are certain crimes, however, including murder and specific sex crimes, which mandate a filing in adult court. Has your child been accused of or arrested for a serious felony offense? The most important thing you can do is to ensure he or she has competent legal counsel.
Call our Solano County serious juvenile crimes lawyers for your free consultation.
You need a Solano County juvenile defense attorney who is experienced in handling serious juvenile crimes and who can represent your son or daughter's interests in juvenile or adult court. You need a lawyer who can step in and work to ensure your child does not face criminal charges in adult court in the first place. The sooner you act, the better of a chance you have at a positive outcome to this stressful matter.
Types of Juvenile Crimes That May Be Tried in Adult Court
Following is a partial list of crimes that may result in a juvenile being tried in adult court in Solano County, California.
This may vary, however, depending on the particular circumstances of the offense and the exact age of the minor:
- Murder
- Attempted murder
- Voluntary manslaughter
- Arson
- Robbery
- Armed robbery / robbery by force
- Sodomy or oral copulation by force, threats or violence
- Kidnapping for ransom, robbery or with injury to the victim
- Carjacking in certain circumstances
- Assault with a firearm or deadly weapon
- Assault with great bodily injury
- Discharge of a firearm into an occupied building or residence
- Escape by violence or force from a juvenile detention facility, causing great bodily injury
- Certain drug crimes
- Certain violent felony crimes
Contact our Solano County criminal defense lawyers to learn more about trial as an adult for a minor in Solano County, and how we can help you avoid this serious situation.

Our Client Success Stories
Recent Case Results
Dismissed Assault Weapon & Drug Possession Charges
Case Dimissed Assault With a Deadly Weapon Charge
Not Guilty Assault with Great Bodily Injury
Not Guilty Attempted Murder
Case Dismissed Attempted Murder Charges
Not guilty Charged with Intentional Discharge At An Occupied Motor Vehicle