Felony Defense Lawyers in Solano County
Are you currently in danger of facing felony charges? Make no mistake; your entire future is on the line. It is important that you waste no time in consulting with a Solano County felony defense lawyer who can begin fighting to protect your freedom and constitutional rights. If convicted, you may face a minimum of one year in state prison or possibly a lifetime behind bars or even the death penalty in extreme cases. Involving a Solano County felony lawyer may be your only opportunity to avoid these serious consequences of a conviction.
Schedule your free consultation with a Solano County felony defense attorney today!
Examining the Felony Offenses in California
Maas and Russo represents defendants throughout Solano County who are facing allegations of any type of felony offense.
From our offices in Vallejo , we represent defendants who have been charged with any of the following felony offenses:
We represent clients facing any type of crime that would be a person's "third strike," which may include any serious or violent felony offense. When you work with our lawyers, you can count on our dedication to personalized attention and stellar client service as we guide you through this difficult, often stressful time.
Avoid 25 Years in Prison – Contact Maas and Russo
In California, felonies are particularly grave offense due to the state's harsh Three Strikes Law. Under this law, a conviction for a violent or serious felony will count as a strike on the defendant's record. A second strike will result in double the penalties, and a third felony conviction of any kind, even not typically classified as violent or serious, will result in 25 years to life in prison.

Our Client Success Stories
Recent Case Results
Dismissed Assault Weapon & Drug Possession Charges
Case Dimissed Assault With a Deadly Weapon Charge
Not Guilty Assault with Great Bodily Injury
Not Guilty Attempted Murder
Case Dismissed Attempted Murder Charges
Not guilty Charged with Intentional Discharge At An Occupied Motor Vehicle