Solano County DUI Lawyers for Out-of-State Drivers
What happens if I'm arrested for DUI while visiting California?
Were you arrested for drunk driving while visiting California? If so, you may have been notified by the arresting officer that your privilege to drive in the state will be suspended in 30 days. While they cannot confiscate your out-of-state driver's license, as would be the case for California residents, the fact that your driving privileges have been suspended in another state will likely affect your driver's license in the state where you live; however, if you wish to maintain your driving privileges in California, you would have the right to request a DMV hearing within 10 days of your arrest.
With the help from our Solano County DUI attorneys from Maas and Russo, you can contest the impending suspension by proving that one or more of the following factors are false:
- The officer had reasonable suspicion that you were DUI
- You were lawfully arrested for DUI
- Your blood-alcohol concentration was at .08% or greater
The Interstate Driver's License Compact (DLC)
The Interstate Driver's License Compact (DLC) is an agreement between all but five states in the U.S. which requires all participating states to report driving arrests to each other when a resident of one state is arrested in another. The only states that do not participate in the DLC are Georgia, Michigan, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Wisconsin. Depending on which state you are from, however, different rules and exceptions will apply to your case. For example, certain states will only take action against you if the California DMV suspends your driver's license, you are criminally convicted and/or your home state has DUI statutes that are similar to those in California. To find out what rules apply to your case, contact our Solano County DUI lawyers.
Experienced Legal Representation for Out-of-State Drivers
If you or someone you love was arrested for DUI while visiting California, you should not hesitate to get in touch with the Solano County out-of-state DUI attorneys at Maas and Russo as soon as possible. Not only can our firm represent you at your California DMV hearing, but we can help you to fight the maximum penalties of a criminal conviction. Drunk driving is a serious offense in California, so it is imperative that you take these charges seriously. In fact, a first-time offense is punishable by up to 6 months in county jail, between $390 and $1,000 in fines and a 6-10 month driver's license suspension. For this reason, it may be in your best interests to retain the help of our firm as soon as you have been arrested.
When you contact our firm today at (800) 483-0992 or submit a free case evaluation form online, our professional advice won't cost you a thing.

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Recent Case Results
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